Many individuals face the inevitable event of wisdom tooth extraction during their lifetime. While surgical removal is often recommended for impacted or misaligned teeth, non-surgical wisdom tooth extraction is viable for those whose teeth have grown properly. Opting for this non-surgical method can be less invasive and offer quicker and […]
wisdom tooth extraction
Did you notice the difference in your face shape before and after wisdom teeth removal? Or just heard some people change the shape of their faces after wisdom teeth surgery? Many patients are wondering if wisdom teeth extraction can really change the form of their faces. Because of that, most of them hesitate to undergo this treatment. So, if you are worried about the possible change in your face, better to consult a medical professional about this. You can tell them about the structural issues you have, and at the same time, they discuss the possible treatment to address your concern. In this article, you learn about wisdom tooth extraction surgery, including its health benefits and side effects on your facial structure.