There are many reasons why you may be experiencing jaw pain after dental work. You can visit this site and see gallery page for images of tips on how to take good care of your dental health. If you’re looking for a dental clinic that can help solve this issue, you can go to Parramatta Green Dental’s clinic today.
These are some of the common reasons:
1. Jaw muscle fatigue
After holding your jaw open for an extended period of time, it is natural to feel some jaw pain, akin to how your calf muscles feel like after a long run. Basically, your jaw muscles are exhausted, and that can feel painful. This can be prevented by asking the dentist to provide you with a small block of rubber for you to bite onto so that you can keep your jaws open without exerting much energy and imposing excessive strain on your jaw muscles.
2. Referred Myofascial Pain
This is the type of pain experienced all over the face, from the areas surrounding the eyes to the ears and other facial zones. It is commonly felt after undergoing any dental treatment due to the inflammation or irritation of the facial nerves that is caused by dental procedures. This pain might manifest in different ways, such as earaches, toothaches, or jaw pain. As a treatment, you may request your Boutique Dental Care dentist in Chatswood, NSW to administer trigger point injections or prescribe physical therapy to alleviate the pain.

3. Dry socket pain
This kind of pain can result after a tooth extraction, such as the surgical removal of the wisdom tooth, which can activate the pain receptors in the bones in the jaw, causing jaw pain after dental work. From the jaws, the pain can radiate up to the ears and cause halitosis, headaches, and pyrexia. As a remedy, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs can be given for pain relief, or home remedies such as cold compress, saline mouthwash, clove oil, or honey can be used too. In more severe cases of dry socket pain, bone graft material or surgical form may have to be used to accelerate the time taken for the jaw bone to heal, especially in those who have advanced periodontal disease.